Happy New Year and Supermoon

I wish you a very happy and successful new year!sept-19-calf-curling1ps

During the final days of 2017 we are able to reflect on our blessings, successes, and lessons learned over the past year. This was an especially trying year for many, and I hope that yours was filled with an abundance of smiles, laughter, and positive experiences even amidst the challenges that are part of any fulfilling life. 
As I grow older and (hopefully) wiser, I’m learning to welcome bumps in the road with greater courage, patience, and a more open heart. I believe that challenging times represent contrast, providing a clarification of our values and allowing for a deeper appreciation of the highlights in our lives.
Having said that, I’m ready for a fresh start in 2018— how about you?!
If you’d like to join me in envisioning a magnificent new year, I am offering private consultation to assist in manifesting your personal goals and resolutions. I’ve added some great new information to the manifestation process that is proving to be very successful. I can’t wait to share it with you!

toms-moonWhile I conduct group ceremonies with each new moon, I spend the most time clarifying my goals at the beginning of the year. This acts as a foundation for my dreams to take shape more concretely with each lunar cycle. Let me know if you’re interested in working together to bring your dreams for 2018 to fruition, and I’ll provide more information.
In the meantime, please be aware that on New Year’s Day we will be treated with a big, bright Supermoon. This is perfect timing for us because a full moon represents a time of culmination, making way for something new to begin. It is a period of intense energy which is fantastic for both releasing what no longer serves us and manifesting our highest potential. 
img_0310We can use the light of the full moon on January 1st to release mindsets, habits and attitudes that are holding us back. We can then harness the energizing power of the Supermoon to activate positive growth within our lives. The luminescence of a full moon amplifies what we are thinking, feeling, and doing… so be positive, get clear on what you want to create, and let’s have an awesome 2018!
I send you my heartfelt wishes for your happiest and most fulfilling year yet! May all of your dreams manifest beyond your wildest imagination.
With love and appreciation,

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