Are You Ready for an Extreme Supermoon?

supermoon-02What is a Supermoon?

Tonight we will be treated to a ‘Supermoon’, which occurs when the moon’s orbit brings it closer to Earth than on average. This phenomenon makes the moon appear to be bigger than normal as result of atmospheric distortion. The magnified effect of a Supermoon is even more pronounced when it occurs at the same time as a full moon.

It’s all about the Orbit

To make sense of this particular Supermoon, it helps to know a little more about the moon’s oval orbital pattern. At one end of the orbit, called the perigee, the moon is about 31,000 miles closer to Earth than at its farthest point, the apogee. Also, from one orbit to the next, perigees and apogees vary in terms of their proximity to the Earth.

In general, perigee moons are about 14 percent larger, and 30 percent brighter than apogee moons.

A Super-charged Supermoon

It is extremely rare for a full moon to coincide with a perigee. The full moon tonight will occur less than one hour away from perigee, representing a near-perfect alignment.

What also makes tonight’s full moon special is that this perigee will bring the moon within 221,566 miles of the Earth, whereas the average distance between the Earth and the moon is about 239,000 miles. The full moon hasn’t come this close to the Earth in 18 years– and this is about as close as it ever gets to our planet.

Because of its physical proximity to Earth and its temporal proximity to the Vernal Equinox, this Full Moon is considered to be the most powerful of the year.

Stress on the Planet…

Even under normal conditions, the moon is close enough to the Earth to exert influence on our planet. The gravitational pull of the moon causes the ebb and flow of our ocean tides. During the time of the lunar perigee, tidal activity is amplified, and when aligned with a Supermoon the effect is even stronger.

The moon’s gravity can also cause small but measurable ebbs and flows in the continents, called ‘land’ or ‘solid Earth’ tides. These tides are greatest during full and new moons, when the sun and moon are aligned either on the same or opposite sides of the Earth.

Also, because this full moon is happening so close to the time of the spring equinox, our planet will be subject to increased geophysical pressure. The SuperMoon will occur within hours of the moment that the full moon crosses the celestial equator from north to south, at approximately the same time that the Sun crosses the equator in the opposite direction.

This planetary configuration will result in a significant amount of geophysical stress upon the Earth for several days before and after the actual date of alignment.

What Does It All Mean?

Richard Nolle, an esteemed astrologer, believes that the effects of these planetary influences could potentially inflict damage on our planet within a ‘stress window’ between March 16 – 22. “When the moon goes super-extreme”, Nolle says, “you can expect: a surge in extreme tides along the coasts, a rash of moderate-to-severe seismic activity (including magnitude 5+ earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions), and a dramatic spike in powerful storms with heavy precipitation, damaging winds, and extreme electrical activity.”

Whether or not these kinds of events are triggered remains to be seen. However, for those of us who are psychically/energetically sensitive, this is a time to be aware of the fluctuating lunar, celestial, and geomagnetic forces which are presently impacting our planet and our lives.

Tension within Our Bodies

Many of us are likely to experience a sense of heightened ‘nervous tension’, with possible erratic fluctuations of emotional energy rippling through our bodies. Stress levels may be high during this Supermoon period, and there may be ‘eruptions’ of volatile behaviors.

What Can We Do About It?

Just as the Earth releases tension during an earthquake, this is an opportunity for us to ‘shake off’ or release stress, anxiety, and internal imbalances. We can utilize these powerful celestial energies to initiate a healthful period of cleansing & release of negative habits and tendencies that no longer serve our highest good.

How Do We Release and Let Go?

We can do whatever tension-releasing activity feels good to us! This could include: vigorous exercise, a hot bath, breath-work, an intentional expression of heightened emotion (cry, laugh, scream, let go!), and ritual– we can burn away what we wish to release under this full moon. The key is to include our conscious awareness in the activity of cleansing & clearing our physical/emotional/mental/energetic bodies of that which we choose to release.

Taking Charge of Our Lives!

As we purify our mind, body, and Spirit, we free our energetic resources to flow towards the life we choose to create. This is an amazing & exciting time of change and transformation, and we are fortunate to be active participants along for the ride of our lives!

Get out tonight and howl at the Supermoon!

*Click for more information on Richard Nolle.

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